Why It Matters
We believe that our community can be among the most livable and inclusive in the country. When we all have access to attainable housing and transportation options, we each have an equitable opportunity to prosper. Impact Greenville is working to shape public policy at the intersection of housing, transportation, and land use to make this vision reality.
Affordable Housing
Affordability is Relative
Housing is affordable when someone pays no more than 30% of their monthly income on their rent or mortgage payment. But transportation time and costs affect this affordability, too. Land use regulations that limit housing diversity exacerbate the problem.
Public Transit
Better access
Public transit is an affordable way for people to travel to the places they want to go. It reduces congestion for drivers and is better for the environment. But transit works only when the places people want to go are near bus lines, and land use policies encourage more compact, transit-supportive development.
Land Use
Smarter land use to expand options
Land use regulation and zoning are powerful tools that influence nearly every aspect of our daily lives. They determine how and where we develop land and expand — or drastically limit — housing and mobility options for residents.